Monday, February 14, 2011

First tag official, Fat Albert in more trouble, combine boycott

Today, Mankins received the franchise tag from the Patriots. It is unknown whether or not franchise tags will exist with the new CBA, but the NFL encouraged teams to use them. So it is clear-- the Patriots will pay what it takes to keep Mankins.

In other news, Haynesworth, shortly after being charged with assault, has been accused of sexual assault. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt but it's Haynesworth and he's earned his poor reputation. Let's just hope he is soon unaffiliated with the Redskins.

DeMaurice Smith, head of the NFL Players Association, has talked to agents about possibly boycotting the Rookie Combine. It seems that he is working harder to hurt negotiations, rather than help them. Players boycotting the combine is unlikely, but there is also discussion of boycotting April's draft.  This would not do much. The draft would occur as normal, but the players simply would not be at the event in New York.

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